
The Samuel Eleazar and Rose Tartakow Levinson Prize is awarded each year for
a single-authored, unpublished essay in the history of technology that
explicitly examines, in some detail, a technology or technological device or
process within the framework of social or intellectual history. It is
intended for younger scholars and new entrants into the profession. 
Manuscripts already published or accepted for publication are not eligible.
In order to be considered, manuscripts must be in English and of a length
suitable for publication as an article in Technology and
Culture-approximately 7,500 words (not including notes) and 100 notes. The
winning manuscript will be considered for publication in Technology and

To nominate an essay, please send it by e-mail, in MS Word or PDF format, to
the SHOT office (" style="color: rgb(44, 93, 134); text-decoration: none; font-weight: bold; ">), clearly stating that this is a
nomination for the Levinson prize. Please also send one paper copy to
office: SHOT Office/Amy Sue Bix, 618 Ross Hall, History Department, Iowa
State University, Ames, IA 50011, USA.

The judging will be blind, so authors should avoid self-identification in
the text of the article. Please put your name at the top of your e-mail and
on a cover sheet to the paper copy; this information will be detached before
the manuscript is forwarded to the committee.

The closing date for nominations is April 15; all entries must be received
by this deadline. The award consists of $450 and a certificate, to be
presented at the Society's annual meeting.

For more information, please contact the committee chair or Amy Bix, SHOT
Secretary, 515.294.8469, " style="color: rgb(44, 93, 134); text-decoration: none; font-weight: bold; "> 
website: http://www.historyoftechnology.org/awards/levinson.html